Rajasthan Current Affairs Daily-24 July 2020 (English)

24 July 2020

Kakrapar-3, the only largest reactor in the country ready for production, is located in which state?

Uttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu

The 700 MW Kakrapar-3 plant located in Gujarat is now ready for power generation after getting into critical condition. It is the only largest reactor in the country.
This achievement of KAPP-3 is considered to be very big. After the plant is operational, India stands in the line of countries that have nuclear power technology.
India has developed a three-tier nuclear program. It has developed a three-stage nuclear program based on a closed fuel cycle where the fuel used in one stage is re-processed again to make fuel for the next phase.
Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) is located on the banks of the Tapti River, 80 km from the Surat city of Gujarat. Today KAPP-3 plant is included in this plant.
The fully built 700 MW plant in India is developed and operated by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL).
The plant also has two more 220 MW stations KAPS-1 and KAPS-2. The first plant started in 1993 and the second one started in 1995.

Who among the following has been appointed as the Vice President of Union International des Simeons (UIC) -

Manoj Prajapati
Aditya Singh
Arun Kumar
Vishal Gupta

The UIC has nominated Shri Arun Kumar, Director General, RPF, as the Vice President of the Security Forum from July 2020 to July 2022.
The Director General of RPF will take over as the President of the Security Forum from July 2022 to July 2024.
UIC (Union Internationale des Simeons) is a French word meaning International Union of Railways in English. It is headquartered in Paris.
The UIC Suraksha Manch is empowered to analyze and develop and formulate a policy approach on behalf of Railways in matters relating to the protection of persons, property and establishments.
This safety forum promotes the exchange of information and ideas between the security agencies of UIC members and proposes projects and activities with common interests in the field of railway safety as per the requirement of members or external activities.

According to recently released figures, which state has recorded the highest decline in maternal mortality in the country in 2016-18 as compared to 2015-17?

Uttar Pradesh

The Registrar General of India released the 2016-17 data on maternal mortality (MMR) on Thursday.
According to the data released, the Maternal Death Ratio (MMR) has been successfully brought down to 9 points in a year.
India's MMR has come down from 122 in 2015-17 to 113 in 2016-18.
According to the latest sample registration system (SSR) data indicating MMR i.e. maternal deaths per one lakh live births, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have recorded the highest reduction in MMR.
Rajasthan has shown a maximum decline of 22 points while Uttar Pradesh (19 points), Odisha (18 points), Bihar (16 points) and Madhya Pradesh (15 points) have also emerged as other well-performing states.
In terms of maximum MMR in the country, Assam is ranked first, Uttar Pradesh is second, Madhya Pradesh is third, Rajasthan is fourth and Chhattisgarh is fifth, while Kerala and Maharashtra are the two states with lowest MMR.

Assam - 215
Uttar Pradesh - 197
Madhya Pradesh - 173
Rajasthan - 164
Chhattisgarh - 159
Odisha - 150
Bihar - 149
Punjab - 129
Uttarakhand - 099
West Bengal - 098
Karnataka - 092
Haryana - 091
Gujarat - 075
Jharkhand - 071
Andhra Pradesh - 065
Telangana - 063
Tamil Nadu - 060
Maharashtra - 046
Kerala - 043

Which one of the Indian Navy's largest 3 MW solar power plant has been set up-

Indian Naval Base Visakhapatnam
Indian Naval Base Kolkata
Indian Naval Academy Ezhimala
Indian Naval Base Cochin

The Indian Navy commissioned a 3 MW solar power plant at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala.
This is in line with the Government of India's 'National Solar Mission' initiative to achieve 100 GW solar energy target by 2022.
The plant is the largest solar plant of the Indian Navy and has an estimated life span of 25 years. All equipment is supplied locally, with 9180 highly efficient monocrystalline solar panels based on the latest technology. The project has been executed by Kerala State Electronics Development Corporation Limited (KELTRON).
The solar power plant project will help Naval Station Ezhimala in reducing carbon footprint.
It is one of the various initiatives undertaken by INA towards a clean and green environment.

Which of the following places India ranked in the Global Manufacturing Risk Index 2020?


According to property consultant Cushman & Wakefield, India ranks third among the list of the most suitable locations for global manufacturing among 48 countries.
China and the United States continue to occupy the top two positions in the Global Manufacturing Risk Index (MRI), while India has moved up one place to third.
In its annual ranking of the most suitable places for global manufacturing among 48 countries in Europe, America and Asia-Pacific, India ranks among the top-3 countries this year.
India is developing as a manufacturing hub due to global operating conditions and low cost.
The annual Global MRI scores each country based on 20 indicators that primarily cover operating conditions, costs and risks.