Rajasthan Current Affairs Daily-22-23 July 2020 (English)

The manodarpan initiative has been initiated for any one of the following classes:

Migrant labor

The Ministry of Human Resource Development launched the surrender initiative with the objective of providing psychological support to the students.
The surrender will provide strength, support and suggestions to students, teachers and families in this difficult time.
A helpline number-8448440632 has been started for consultation. This can be called from 8 am to 8 pm.
There are 33 crore students in the country and they will play an important role in making India healthy and clean. The government is making efforts to provide online education to the students.
A working group of experts on education, mental health and psycho-social issues has been formed which will monitor the mental health issues and concerns of the students and through counseling services, online resources and helpline due to Kovid-19 Provide help in dealing with the mental health and psycho-social aspects of students during and after lockdown.

Recently the late Lalji Tandon was the Governor of which of the following state -

Uttar Pradesh
West Bengal
Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh Governor Lalji Tandon died at the age of 85.
Was born on 12 April 1935 in Lucknow. Education Graduated from Lucknow University.
Became founding member of Jana Sangh in 1952. Lucknow Municipal Corporation was re-elected in 1962 and again 1967.
Was elected a member of the Legislative Council from May 6, 1978 to May 5, 1984. He was a member of the Legislative Council from 6 May 1990 to October 1996 as well as the Leader of the Legislative Council.
From 24 June 1991 to 6 December 1992, he was appointed Minister of Energy and Housing, Urban Development in the state government.
He won the Legislative Assembly elections on the BJP ticket for the first time in the 1996 mid-term elections from March 21 to 1997 to March 8, 2008 and from May 3, 2002 to August 25, 2003, as Minister of Housing and Urban Development.
He won the Lok Sabha elections in the 2009 elections, but in the 2014 elections, the BJP replaced Rajnath Singh as his candidate.
21 August 2018, responsibility of the Governor of Bihar and 20 July 2019: Made the Governor of Madhya Pradesh.

Bharatvanshi Chandrika Prasad Santokhi has been elected the President of which country?

Trinidad and Tobago

Bharatvanshi Chandrika Prasad Santokhi has been elected President of the Latin American country Suriname. Chandrika has defeated rival contender former military dictator Daisy Bouters.
Its former military dictator Daisy Bouters was the president there. It is known that the National Party of Suriname lost to former military dictator Daisy Bouters in the elections held in May.
Santokhi, 61, is trained at the Police Academy in the Netherlands. He has been the Chief Commissioner of Police of Suriname.
During the year 2005, he was also the Minister of Justice of the country.
The population of this small country is around five lakhs of which 38% are Indians.
People of Indian origin in the island of South America had gone to Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago about 200 years ago as indentured laborers.

Dhruvastra missile is an upgraded version of which one of the following missiles?


The Indian Army has successfully tested the Dhruvastra Guided Missile at Balasore, Odisha. Dhruvastra is an upgraded version of the Nag missile already inducted into the Army fleet. It can target enemy tanks within a radius of 7 km.
Last year, a 12-day test of the third generation of anti-tank missile Naag was carried out in the Thar Desert. It works on Fire and Forget systems. That is, after firing it, no command is needed again.
The Nag missile can demolish any tank. It also keeps sending photos of the entire area to its operator after taking flight.
This gives the number of enemy tanks present in the area. Based on this, they can be destroyed by firing another missile.
This missile carries eight kg warhead at one time. Aiming at his target at a speed of 230 meters per second.

The Supreme Court has approved the inquiry commission under the chairmanship of the gangster Vikas Dubey encounter -

Justice BS Chauhan
Justice KL Gupta
Justice Dheeraj Srivastava
Justice Anant Vardhan

The Supreme Court has approved the inquiry commission headed by former Supreme Court Justice BS Chauhan to investigate the gangster Vikas Dubey encounter.
Justice Chauhan has given consent to the commission of inquiry.
He has been the chairman of LA Commission.
This commission also has former DGP of UP KL Gupta, on which the court has agreed.
The apex court has ordered to constitute a commission of inquiry in 1 week.
In 2 months, the commission will submit its report.
It will examine what efforts were made to cancel the bail of Vikas Dubey and whether the role and inaction of the officers.